Number of Pages: 266
Newberry Award Winner?: Yes
Newberry Award Winner?: Yes
Rating: 10/10
Learned Something?: Yes
Would Read Again?: Yes
Lost Focus?: No
Laughed or Cried?: Both
Subject: Salamanca Tree Hiddle is on her way to see her mother, and all the while explains to them the story of Phoebe Winterbottom's story, which involves a potential lunatic. As Sal tells Phoebe's entertaining story, her own unfolds, just as enjoyable and moving.
Other: Includes some romance, amazing book overall, (it would be smart to read Absolutely Normal Chaos, from one of my past posts, before reading this, but it is not necessary)
In the comments, please tell me and the other readers what you think about this book (no spoilers please), and if you are thinking about reading it. If you do read it, please tell us what you thought and if you think there is anything I could add to my review. Please stay positive! We're here to read and have fun!
I hope this was helpful! :)
I hope this was helpful! :)
Miss Reader